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Raku Firings


COST: £95

Originating alongside the ancient tea ceremonies of Japan, raku is now relished for its hands on drama and immediacy, and for the distinctively crazed and iridescent metallic glazed surfaces it creates. 

The bisque fired pots are glazed  then placed in the already hot kiln and fired up rapidly to about 1000 degrees centigrade. The glazes can be seen to bubble and then smooth out and shine within the kiln. The red hot pots are then removed from the kiln, placed in bins and covered with sawdust or other combustible material. This post firing smoking turns unglazed area of the pots black and accentuates the craze line typical or this sort of work. The pots are then rapidly cooled by plunging them into cold water. They are then rubbed down with wire wool to expose the results.

It’s hot, smoky, and dirty. It’s exciting and fun! 

Raku firings are held one Saturday most months throughout the year. With a maximum of 6 students we aim to have 3 or 4 firings during the day with at least 1 pot per person in each firing. 

Either: Bring your own  bisque fired pots (no more  than 8” high and with reasonably thin walls)  made with raku clay or other heavily grogged (minimum 30%) stoneware clay.

Or: Purchase simple bisque fired pots at the pottery (£3 - £6 each) 


Come and share the excitement. 

It may be dirty and smoky but it will be fun. 

And you will go away with your own glazed and fired raku pots. 

2020 Dates

Available on request


Ruardean Garden Pottery is a professional production workshop established in 1979. For 25 years the pottery produced a wide range of wheel thrown terracotta. Now it concentrates on a much smaller range of thrown traditional garden pottery together with a range of limited edition press moulded plant pots.


If you would like to discuss anything about the day, ring me at the pottery on 07752900328.


For details of B&Bs and accommodation visit Wyedean Tourism


Schedule: 9.30am - 5pm (approx.)

Cost: £95. Includes all firing and glazing costs, tea and coffee at mid-morning & mid-afternoon, and lunch of bread, cheese, biscuits, fruit  etc.

Terms & Conditions:

In the event of having to cancel a booked place, you will always be offered alternative dates. Please, however, give us as much notice as possible.

£50 of each place booked will be regarded as a non-refundable deposit. In the event of cancellation, all the remaining money will be refunded, provided we are notified more than 14 days before the start date of the class.

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